Advanced Programming - Three.js (WebGL)


Advanced Programming - Three.js (WebGL)

Chapter 1 - Terrain Generator

[iajsfiddle fiddle="7Mkhp" height="500px" width="100%" show="result,js,html" skin="default"]

Chapter 2 - Advanced Geometry

Shows how to use Tube Geometry based on the Path


  1. Rotate - Left Mouse Click and Drag
  2. Pan - Middle Mouse/Scroll Wheel Click and Drag (OSX - 2 finger click and drag)
  3. Zoom - Scroll Wheel (OSX - 2 finger drag)

[iajsfiddle fiddle="HeTaX" height="500px" width="100%" show="result,js,html" skin="default"]

Chapter 4 - Math based Geometry


  1. Rotate and Pan- Mouse Move

[iajsfiddle fiddle="btKBw" height="500px" width="100%" show="result,js,html" skin="default"]


Chapter 5 - Selecting Objects in 3D and Smooth Animation

Shows how to select Objects in 3D Space.


  1. Rotate - Left Mouse Click and Drag
  2. Pan - Middle Mouse/Scroll Wheel Click and Drag (OSX - 2 finger click and drag)
  3. Zoom - Scroll Wheel (OSX - 2 finger drag)
  4. Push Colored Cube Behind - Left Mouse Click
  5. Pull Colored Cube Ahead - Ctrl + Left Mouse Click

[iajsfiddle fiddle="9gdRR" height="500px" width="100%" show="result,js,html" skin="default"]


Chapter 6 - 3D Object Manipulation

Example of showing a cross section of a 3D Cylinder by cutting out a Cube from it at a 45 degree angle.


[iajsfiddle fiddle="eJ5Nh" height="500px" width="100%" show="result,js,html" skin="default"]