Google App Engine - Getting Start
Enrolment form for Pune GTUG Meet
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Getting Started with Gadgets and OpenSocial - 18th April 2009 Pune GTUG meet
In the Pune GTUG meet scheduled on 18th of April 2009, we will be talking about "Getting Started with Gadgets and OpenSocial".
"Getting Started with OpenSocial" meet moved to 18th of April
Dnyanvatsal Commercial Complex Agenda for this meet is as follows 1. General overview of OpenSocial (But participates are expected to read about OpenSocial)
Survey No. 23, Plot No. 189,
Karve Nagar,
Pune, India 411052
Contact no. - 9923085006
See on Google Map
2. Getting started with a simple Gadget
3. Getting started with a simple OpenSocial Application
4. Overview of RestFul APIs for Server side OpenSocial Applications