Use Google Gears & Grease Monkey for a better web experience.
Here is an example.
Now, Google Reader works with Gears and is available offline... well,
not the entire application is offline... The Search feature is gone,
when you switch to offline-mode...
is a greasemonkey script that enables you to search your data in
offline mode. Of course this search may not be as intelligent as
Google Search, but it is something.
But, this is only the beginning. What synergy can be produced by
mixing Google Gears and GreaseMonkey? GreaseMonkey provides a hook to
write 'your' own javascript code on top of the application, and Google
Gears provides a Database to store 'your' data. A SDK in your browser
to customize any website!
You can keep track of information you want as a history in the cache
and retrieve them when you visit that site again. What you want to
store - is left to your necessity & imagination!!!
If you find any interesting use, do let me know.
Hi Everyone,
To explain the concept of GreaseMonkey working along side Google Gears, I have created a ScreenCase.
Krishna, Please review the video and let me know it it requires any change.
Thanks a lot Krishna for this information.